Making Videos, My Blu-ray Collection, and a Giveaway

Hi! It’s a ridiculous hour but I’ve been so engrossed in a project that I’ve been working through the night.  For the last year I’ve been making youtube videos using just a webcam/phone and I enjoyed doing that but I felt I could learn so much more about photography, videography, youtube, creating an internet presence, video editing and so much more.

I’ve also yearned for a long time to do something more creative in my work, so maybe gaining new skillsets will help me in that regard.  At the worst I am learning something new and having a good time along the way so win-win

It’s been a lot of work saving, purchasing and organizing but I’ve finally got almost all the pieces I need to make better videos and I set up a cool backdrop in my room.

new backdropOne problem I have is my room gets very hot when I have the lights on and it is too dim even during the day to be a good spot for filming.  There isn’t much of any space in the rest of the house to do the backdrop/tripod setup.  The whole brilliance of my room is that it has total blackout but it does create problems for filming videos.  I need to figure out a way to keep cool, so if anyone has any ideas let me know.  I suppose I can just keep my videos short which is probably a win-win.

Anyway, I’ve been wanting to do a video on my blu-ray collection for a while and it seemed like this would be a perfect testing ground for the new equipment.  I still have to get editing software and a better camera microphone but that’s around $500 so will do that when I can.  Plus, I figure master one thing at a time.  (Took me 6 years to get a handle on twitter, facebook, blogging, so I’ve got time).

It’s not a perfect video but I’m learning and I’m proud of it.  If you watch the whole video I am giving away DVD copies of Gravity, Les Miserables and Captain Phillips.  Also there is a BLU Ray 3D  of Gravity if you are interested in that.  Simply subscribe to my blog, follow me on twitter (or facebook) and subscribe to my youtube channel and email me your address.  First come first served.  If you already follow me on those mediums just share it with your followers.  THANKS!!!

Thanks so much for reading my blog, watching my videos, and helping to give me the confidence to keep trying and learning new things.  I’m so grateful for this blog- more than you all know and I hope maybe I inspire you to go learn something new. in your life.

Drumroll…the movie:

What blu-ray’s do you have? What do you think of mine? Any you dislike or like?  Let me know.  Take care friends!

Sure love ya!


2 thoughts on “Making Videos, My Blu-ray Collection, and a Giveaway

  1. I can’t find your e-mail address to e-mail you. Do you even have anything left that you mentioned? I would love any of them, in this order: 1) Gravity (not 3D) 2) Captain Phillips 3) Les Miserables. I follow on Twitter (MsCarolsueA), You Tube (Carol Ezovski) and I subscribe to your blog.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

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