Month: March 2017

Winners 3/26/2017

Each week I try to celebrate things I believe are winners. This is an effort to be positive and focus on the many good things out there to enjoy!

This week’s winners are:

  1. Utah Bands- For this week’s Friday 5 over on my youtube channel the topic was bands from you hometown so I picked 5 bands/groups from Utah! This proved to be really fun
  2. Murder on the Orient Express- I finished reading the classic mystery novel by Agatha Christie this week and I thoroughly enjoyed it. She does such a good job building characters and giving clues. I really like Poirot almost as much as Sherlock Holmes. Reading the book made me excited for the upcoming movie directed by Kenneth Branaugh.
  3. Power Rangers and Smurfs: Lost Village come through- I am always a fan of underdogs and this week I got 2 surprisingly decent films. I enjoyed both The Power Rangers Movie and Smurfs: the Lost Village. Neither is perfect but I was entertained by both.  Check out my blog and youtube channel for reviews of both. What are your winners? What books, music, movies or anything else have you been enjoying?

15 Years since BYU

It seems hard for me to believe but the next few weeks marks a milestone in my life. It will be 15 years since I graduated with my bachelors degree from Brigham Young University (BYU)! It really seems impossible that 15 years has come and gone.

One of the things I envy about those who have kids is they have more concrete evidence of their growth as people. This person didn’t exist and now they do. I have no such evidence. In many ways I feel the same as I did back in 2002 getting my degree. For all intensive purposes how different is my life? I work every day, go to church on Sunday and develop my hobbies just like I did back then.

Nevertheless, I will always look back at my time at BYU as the happiest time of my life. It was a time of great growth, soul searching and closeness to God that I will never forget. My mission was also an extreme learning experience but that was more polishing. The real grunt work happened at BYU.

After growing up with little church support it was so important to be surrounded by people with shared values. I remember when we said a prayer before my science class and I started to cry. Where else could you say a prayer before a science class? What a liberating and beautiful thing!

Most people probably have grand ideas of what they want to do coming out of college. Not me. I just wanted to finish and have a great life. I’ve never been much of a dreamer in that way. I remember my friend Raelene had this long list of the house she wanted and the other bucket list things she wanted to do in life. That was never me. I was just thrilled to have achieved my dream of going to BYU. I didn’t need anything more.

Since then I have served a mission and had a number of jobs including working as an accounting clerk for nearly 10 years. Now I work from home in marketing and I think that might surprise my former self as I was a very social person back then. Now that social life is mostly fulfilled by means like twitter and facebook. It’s hard to imagine I once didn’t have those tools and survived quite well. I believe 2002 was the first year I ever got a cell phone if that puts things in perspective.

If I could give my young self advice I’d say to be patient and that being single aint that bad. I’d say quit that horrible job in 2005 instead of hanging on until 2007 and being miserable. Don’t be afraid to take risks and make sure you are making memories instead of gliding through life. And I’d say ‘you just lost Grandpa and yep you still miss him all these years later’.

It’s funny because I really don’t use my degree much aside from basic writing, editing and reading skills. However, I am certainly grateful I had my college experience and can look back with nostalgia at such a happy time in my life. I am grateful for all I learned and the person it helped me to become.

I can’t believe it has been 15 years! How is that possible?

Well, all I have o say is GO COUGARS!!

Faerie Tale Theater

Hey guys! Happy Sunday! I just wanted to share with you all a review I just posted for my Family Movie Night Series. In this case it is not technically a movie that I am talking about. Today I look at a television show from my youth called Faerie Tale Theater. It ran during the 80s and has a bunch of famous people all reenacting different famous fairy tales like Rapunzel, Cinderella, Little Mermaid and more. The production behind these mini-films are hokey and cheap by today’s standards but there is a lot of enthusiasm and loved put in that make a difference. I love how true to the original stories they are with darker themes and endings explored. I also love that the actors seem to be having the time of their lives.

It seems like a lot of my friends in Utah watched the show, so I’m not sure if it aired more here than other places but it was a lot of fun. It kind of feels like Once Upon a Time does now. That has a continuing story-line but it celebrates fairy tales in kind of a hokey way. Some people will be distracted by the cheesy production design but if you can get behind that then there really is something there to enjoy.

What made me think about it is there seems to be this insatiable appetite for these live action Disney remakes with Beauty and the Beast being the latest. I have been mixed on these remakes but many others have loved all of them. I think just like I liked seeing the live action fairy tales told in Faerie Tale Theater, kids today like seeing these live action movies. They fill that faerie tale loving niche!

So did you watch Faerie Tale Theater? What did you think of it? You can purchase the dvds on amazon or watch many on youtube.  Let me know what you think!

My New Disney Ranking!

Recently on my Disney blog I posted my latest ranking of all 56 Disney Animated Classics. Would love your thoughts!

Rachel's Reviews

You guys know I don’t really like doing rankings. It’s just so tough to order films when I like things for different reasons. However, there is something about the task I find impossible to resist especially when I have just finished a project. Recently over on my youtube channel I finished reviewing the Disney Canon and I’m very proud of how it came out.

To finish the project I felt I needed to do a new ranking that reflected my new thoughts on some of the films. On this rewatch some films I liked more and others less. Here is my new ranking video:

Here is my original ranking video:

Let’s break down the various changes.

First of all there 3 new additions:

Moana came in at 14th

Zootopia at 16

Big Hero 6 at 26

We have a new top and bottom spot:

I decided to go with my…

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