Day: January 26, 2011

Back to Being Hard-Core

In a few minutes I will be heading to the gym to meet with my trainer.  Monday I did my first full, intense work out since my accident. I was nervous that it would be too difficult for me or that I would push myself too hard; however, to my great relief I did pretty well.  I got 25 minutes of exercise on the elliptical and did a full weight routine twice!

The more I learn about my body, the more I realize how stubborn it is.  I took 2 weeks off with my injury (and I was still dieting during this time) and I gained 5 lbs!  Now I know that if I am not hard-core I will stop losing and start gaining.  It’s just the way my body is! I honestly envy those that can tacitly exercise, here and there, a little each week, and stay in shape.  I just can’t do it and expect to not gain.

I’m so grateful I have an awesome trainer who pushes me and helps me to know how far to take things with this injury.  I have complete confidence and respect for her and I feel like she is a blessing from God in my life. I could not do this on my own- I wouldn’t know how to do this on my own.

It makes me wonder- why does this have to be so difficult?  What is it about this particular trial that Heavenly Father wants me to experience? What am I supposed to learn?  I honestly don’t know all the answers to these questions, but I’ve picked  up a few moments of inspiration along the way- I think life is best lived hard-core.  What I mean is that a lazy life is not good for much. Human nature is weak (particularly my human nature) and sometimes life has to be difficult or we won’t learn anything. How easy is it to forget prayer, forget scripture study, forget God?  It is the struggles that make us turn to Him and become fiercely devoted to Him.

It’s like Elder Holland says “salvation is not a cheap experience. Salvation never was easy. We are The Church of Jesus Christ, this is the truth, and He is our Great Eternal Head. How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him?” (Missionary Work and the Atonement Ensign, Mar 2001)

I can’t say it any better than that.  How can I expect it to not be hard-core when it was definitely infinitely more hard-core for Christ?  For whatever reason this is the trial that will help me to be ‘perfected in Christ’ (Colossians 1:28).  I know I can do it! I know my Lord is cheering me on and has a purpose for every ache and pain.  As the scripture says “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Mathew 19:26)

Now I’m off to exercise!  Wish me luck and thank you for the encouragement and prayers.  I have felt their power permeate my life, helping me heal quickly. God bless you all!


A little joke to lighten the mood 🙂