My Doubtfire face: And why social media challenges matter

I totally think this is great. I know people groan at the gimmicks of ice buckets thrown on people but when you think of all the time which is wasted here’s time wasted that actually does some good. As someone who faced my own struggle a few years ago. This one hit home. Totally doing it. Would be fun if a bunch of us did it together. No more goodbyes!

all our lemmony things

I was tagged by a friend on Facebook to do the Doubtfire Face For Suicide Prevention challenge. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s simple as this: Make your face look like Mrs. Doubtfire and say hello to suicide prevention. It is helping to spread awareness about suicide prevention and mental health and then nominate your friends to do the same. Challenges like this are spreading like wildfire–the ice bucket challenge to spread awareness about finding a cure for ALS, the #IPrayWhen challenge several months ago where people posed with signs that stated the times that they go to God in prayer. People–one by by one–are taking a stand.


After Robin Williams died I wrote the blog “In defense of Robin Williams: Suicide wasn’t his choice” and had an outpouring of stories, messages, emails, and notes from people all over who suffer from mental illness or know someone who struggles. And…

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